Agenda item

Proposed Representations on Adjoining Local Plans


Members were provided with an update on the progress on the Review of the Local Plan. It was anticipated that a consultation report on the Issues and Options would be available for public consultation by the end of the year. Work that was being undertaken with adjoining authorities under the Duty to Cooperate was outlined.


An update on the joint working that had taken place to agree a “Vision” for the Heathrow sub-region was provided. The aim was to enable collaborative working towards capturing the benefits and addressing the negative impacts emerging from the growth at London Heathrow, whether this was as a two runway or three runway option.




a)  That Progress on ongoing Duty To Cooperate meetings with adjoining Boroughs  be noted.

b)  That comments set out in paragraph 5.23 of the report are forwarded as a response to the current consultation on the Vale of Aylesbury Local Plan.

c)  That the work of the Heathrow Strategic Planning Group be noted.


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