Agenda item

Proposed Member Engagement in Pre-Application Submissions and Amendments to the Public Participation Scheme


The Planning Manager, outlined a report regarding proposed Member engagement in pre-application submissions and amendments to the Planning Public Participation Scheme (PPS).


The Committee was advised that the Planning Service had undertaken a review of the planning application process, by engaging with customers of the planning service during extensive workshops.  It was clear that customer needs had changed and a Consultee had expressed the view that there was a lack of early member involvement with Applicants in the planning process, in that an Applicant was only allowed to address the Planning Committee, if an objector had registered to speak against the proposal.  It was highlighted that a Ward Councillor could speak under Rule 30, without any time restriction and the applicant was not permitted to respond.  This approach appeared to be  out of line with the procedures of most other Local Planning Authorities (LPA’s). 


The National Planning Policy Framework recommended that early engagement had significant potential to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the planning application system for all parties and considered that the more issues that could be resolved at pre-application stage, the greater the benefits.


The Officer therefore recommended that the Council should bring the pre-application process in line with national guidance. The current Code of Conduct for Councillors and Officers in relation to Planning and Licensing matters advised that Committee members should not take part in pre-application discussions other than in cases of minor development.  Officers had looked at models adopted by other LPA’s and suggested that the Council adopt a process of formal pre-application presentation and interaction with Applicants, scheduled as an agenda item during monthly Planning Committee meetings.  This would allow for a formal structure, which ensured good governance and public confidence whilst avoiding any accusations of bias towards developers. 


The Committee noted the suggested pre-application discussion format which would require consideration and endorsement by the Member Panel on the Constitution. This would also allow for the presentation of confidential Part II items.  Members were advised that the Authority received 40 to 50 major applications per year and it would not be necessary for all to be presented to the Planning Committee. It was acknowledged that Ward Members undertook an important role in representing the views of local constituents but in order to ensure that the meeting process did not become too lengthy it was suggested that Ward Councillors be time limited in their address.


The Council’s PPS stated that the Chair would invite the Applicant or Agent to respond after an objector had spoken.  It was often the case that some very large developments did not attract any objections from residents and the Applicant did not therefore have the opportunity to address the Planning Committee.  It was felt that this approach was outdated and not consistent with current Government guidance. It was therefore recommended that Applicants should be given the opportunity to address the Planning Committee, even where no objectors had registered to speak against the proposed development, and this would require very minor amendments to the Ethical Framework - Part 5.2 of the Constitution. 


The Committee was requested to endorse the necessary amendments to the current process prior to its consideration by the Member Panel on the Constitution.


In the ensuing debate, Members discussed a number of issues around the proposed changes including the length of time that a Ward Member would be allowed to speak.  It was agreed that a draft version would be circulated to Members by email for comment/ consideration.




(a)  That a report detailing the draft amendments to the Council’s PPS and Constitution be emailed to Planning Committee Members for comment.

(b)  That the Member Panel on the Constitution be recommended to endorse the amendment of the Council’s Constitution to enable Member involvement during formal pre-application submissions to the Local Planning Authority (LPA).

(c)The Member Panel on the Constitution be recommended to endorse the amendment of the Council’s Constitution and PPS to enable applicants to address the Planning Committee, regardless of whether or not an objector has registered to address the Planning Committee.


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