Agenda item

Financial and Performance Report - Quarter 1 2016-17


Stephen Fitzgerald, Interim Assistant Director Finance and Audit, outlined details of the Financial and Performance Report 2016/17 Quarter 1. The Council was forecasting an overspend of £0.119m as at month 3.  Most areas were spending within their budgets and overspends within Regeneration, Housing and Resources (RHR) had been partly offset by underspends within the same directorate.  Work was continuing within this directorate to minimise any potential overspends.  It was noted that the RHR - Housing And Environment overspend of £457k was due to homelessness pressures on temporary accommodation costs and an overspend in the Home Improvements section due to changes in funding sources, including a reduction in the capital programme funding and therefore the number of projects that staff were able to work on. A potential forecast overspend of £250k within the Customer and Community services directorate was due to agency staffing and reduction in DWP administration grants.


A summary of the projected capital expenditure by directorate was outlined. The Council expected to spend 64% of the total programme by the end of the 2016/17 financial year.


The Committee were informed that of the 9 Gold projects three projects were assessed as ‘Green’, three as ‘Amber’ and three as ‘Red’. 


Concern was raised relating to the format of information presented within the report and the fact that the financial information was no longer accurate by the time the Committee met. The Interim Director, Finance and Audit informed Members that future reports would be revised and information presented in a manner which would highlight a clear assessment of progress being made. Financial details within the report would be presented on a monthly rather than quarterly basis.


It was brought to Members attention that at the end of the first year of the 5 Year Plan (5YP) a review was carried out by the Outcome Leads. Following the review it was decided that the indicators be streamlined to allow a greater degree of focus and scrutiny.  The number of indicators monitored within the balanced scorecard had been reduced from 91 to 17 core indicators. It was agreed that the list of 91 indicators would be circulated to the Committee. 


Members discussed a range of issues which included:


·  Appointment of Director of Children’s Services. A number of Members expressed concern in the delays in appointing a Director of Children’s Services. The Interim Chief Executive, Roger Parkin, explained that this was a joint appointment between the Council and Slough Children’s Services Trust and that delays in the process had been due to procedural errors. Interviews for the post were scheduled to take place on 30 September 2016.

·  Concerns regarding the perception of an increase in crime and more specifically an increase in hate crime following the impact of BREXIT. It was agreed that reports that had recently been discussed at the Safer Slough partnership would be circulated to the Committee.

·  Measures in place to address the Council’s forecast overspend of £0.119m as at month 3. It was noted that the overspend primarily related to Adult Social Care and a closer reporting relationship between Director’s and Heads of Service was essential to ensure assertive action was being taken to address the issues that arose. A Member expressed concern regarding the overspend in Adult Social Care especially given that the service had received an extra 2% in addition to its allocated funds. The Interim Assistant Director, Finance and Audit explained that a number of factors had contributed to the overspend including demographic pressures and a significant reduction in revenue grant funding. Whilst acknowledging Members concerns regarding resources, it was explained that securing the best outcome for service users remained the priority.

·  Slippage on capital housing projects. The Head of Neighbourhood Services, John Griffiths, informed Members that the Housing Service were currently in the process of undertaking a stock survey at each property to determine actual works that were required. It was anticipated that this process would be complete in January 2017. Capital works would be determined on actual work required and represent greater value for money.   

·  Concern regarding the use of agency and interim staff. A number of Members expressed concern regarding the number of senior management team who were currently interim staff. The issue of agency staff employed on a long term basis and a potential forecast overspend of £250k within the Customer and Community Services Directorate due to agency staffing was also raised. The Interim Chief Executive stated that a review of all agency workers at the Council was currently being undertaken which would include addressing the possibility of transferring agency staff to permanent contracts with the organisation. Details relating to ratio of agency staff versus permanent staff would be circulated to the Committee.

·  What measures were in place to revitalise the High Street. It was noted that a number of major projects in close vicinity to the High Street, including development of the former library site and Thames Valley University site would contribute to revitalising the High Street. A Town Centre Manager was also in post. A Member queried whether there were adequate parking facilities for visitors when attending the High Street. The Interim Chief Executive stated that there were several large car parks within the immediate vicinity of the High Street. Members were also reminded that following a Task and Finish Group review of Town Centre Parking last year, it was determined that current town centre car parks had sufficient capacity and were being under used.


Resolved  That the current financial forecast position, balanced scorecard and update on Gold projects be noted. 

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