Agenda item

Staff Development Programme Update


Surjit Nagra, HR Business Partner, introduced a report on updates to the Staff Development Programme.


Members were informed that the purpose of the Organisational Development (OD) team and its function was to promote Slough Borough Council as a learning organisation - to create a motivating environment where employees prospered and were enabled to advise and support each other, residents, visitors, businesses and partner organisations.


The Staff Development Programme aimed to:


·  Support staff to be safe and effective in their roles through a Mandatory Training Programme that is regularly reviewed by CMT and Directorate SMTs to ensure compliance;


·  Offer a comprehensive corporate learning and development programme which supports organisational needs;


·  Appreciate and respond to the different learning styles, preferences and capabilities of Slough’s workforce; and


·  Upskill staff throughout their lifecycle with Slough, so that they are confident in their current roles; recognise their own potential and evolve into role models for their colleagues and customers.


(Councillor Sharif arrived at 19.15)


In order to support the stated aims, a learning and development directory setting out 2016/17 programmes had been produced and had been made available to all staff through the Council’s internal website.


CMT had approved a Mandatory Training Programme for staff which included training around health and safety, safeguarding and equality. This programme was established with a requirement for all employees to complete 11 e-learning modules between now and the end of March 2017, through a staged approach.


The programme had been established to support the Five-Year Plan outcomes and would be monitored and revised accordingly. CMT were being advised of the level compliance for each Directorate on a monthly basis as part of the workforce data schedule. Through the OD / HR Business Partners, the Directorate SMTs were also being updated.


The current Management Development Programme was due to end in January 2017. The OD work programme was tasked with evaluating the programme’s effectiveness with a view to determining future needs. Options for a future programme would be proposed by the end of this year with a view to starting the new programme in 2017/18.


Resolved -   That the report be noted.

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