Agenda item

Temporary Agency Staff - Progress on Implementation and Baseline Monitoring


Roger Parkin, interim Chief Executive, introduced a report on temporary agency staffing.


Members were informed that the in-year spend for agency staff was just over £6m, and the projected annual figure was £11.3m. It was recognised that this was a high figure, and so the Council was endeavouring to reduce this spend by converting agency workers to permanent staff, together with continuing the initiatives to develop in-house talent as outlined at previous meetings.


The number of current agency staff was 152, which was 15 less than at the same point in the previous year. It was confirmed that Wellbeing remained the directorate with the highest number of agency workers, due to the requirement to use agencies to ensure service continuity in light of the national shortage of social care staff.


A recruitment drive to attempt to fill positions with permanent staff would be conducted in the near future, utilising national adverts and social media such as LinkedIn. It was recognised that the Council may have to offer increased flexible or remote working as incentives for staff.


The officer concluded by confirming that the Matrix contract had provided transparency over agency spend, and had made managers more accountable for their spend on recruitment. It was confirmed that the contract was now under review, to determine whether to renew for a further year.


Members remained concerned at the amount of money being spent on agency workers, and highlighted the importance of incentivising agency staff to convert to permanent staff by way of market supplements; travel assistance, key worker accommodation and staff reward schemes, where possible.


Resolved -   (a) That the report be noted.


(b) That a further report be brought to the next meeting of the Employment & Appeals Committee.

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