Agenda item

Staff Wellbeing Update


Surjit Nagra, HR and OD Business Partner, provided an update on staff wellbeing.


Members were informed that the data was for the period April to June 2016.


The target of sickness absence for each directorate was 8.1 per FTE, with the exception of the Wellbeing directorate, which had a target of 9.4 per FTE in recognition of the different challenges staff faced. Overall, the Council had achieved a figure of 8 per FTE, marginally under the overall target of 8.1. It was recognised that the Wellbeing directorate and the Regeneration, Housing and Resources directorate had exceeded the 8.1 target, whilst the Chief Executive directorate and Customer and Community Services were comfortably achieving their targets.


By division, certain areas such as Housing and Environments had exceeded their target, but measures were being taken to reduce sickness absence levels within these divisions.


It was highlighted that of the 829 total Council staff, there were 5 staff members who remained on long term sickness. Formal processes for these staff members were in place.


Resolved -  That the report be noted.

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