Agenda item

Parking Strategy


That the Parking Strategy, as at Appendix A to the report, be approved.


The Cabinet was asked to approve an updated version of the Parking Strategy that reflected changes to legislation and the recommendations of the scrutiny task and finish group made in 2015.  The document updated that adopted in 2011 as one of the ‘Strategic Supplementary Documents’ of the Third Local Transport Plan which was the primary framework for the delivery of transport initiatives in the borough.


Officers explained a wide range of actions undertaken to improve parking provision and enhance the attractiveness of the town centre, including bringing the four town centre car parks up to Park Mark standard and ensuring competitive pricing to attract people into Slough.  Commissioners discussed the matter raised by the Task & Finish Group of the provision of disabled bays outside doctor’s surgeries and Officers stated this would be looked at where practical.  In updating the strategy, free parking had been offered to all blue badge holders in Council owned car parks and up to 3 hours free parking in Pay & Display bays.


In relation to the future roll out of the pavement parking policy, the new strategy would be implemented on a more localised basis by involving ward Members in addressing issues on a street by street basis.  Speaking under Rule 30, Councillor Swindlehurst raised concern that this new approach would not provide the strategic control required to tackle the problem equally across the borough.  In response to a question under Rule 30 from Councillor Anderson, it was noted applications or renewals for private car parks would include a condition to achieve Park Mark status within three months which would improve quality standards.


At the conclusion of the discussion, the Cabinet agreed to approve the revised Parking Strategy.


Resolved –  That the Parking Strategy, as at Appendix A to the report, be approved.

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