Agenda item

Trelawney Avenue Redevelopment Plan Progress Report




(a)  That the Council enter into an Option Agreement with RIL in relation to the land required to introduce the health care element community hub and associated car parking at Trelawney Avenue (as shown in Appendix One to the report) and dispose of this land to RIL for a sum that represents no less than the independent land valuation, if the option granted on the land is exercised.


(b)  That delegated authority be given to the Strategic Director of Housing, Regeneration and Resources,  following consultation with the Commissioner for Housing & Urban Renewal and Commissioner for Environment & Leisure, to agree the terms of the Options Agreement, and


(c)  That delegated authority be given to the Head of Asset Management to agree terms for the early surrender of the Thames Valley Police (“TVP”) lease of Langley Police Station for an amount that is supported by an independent valuation.




(d)  That provided the new facilities remain cost neutral, Slough Clinical Commissioning Group (“SCCG”) has secured approval from NHS England to transfer funding into the proposed hub.


(e)  The proposals to introduce affordable housing on the land released by TVP.


(f)  That scheme enablement has commenced, with the Merry Makers Public House and community hall vacated and ready for demolition in November 2016.


(g)  That Thames Valley Police (TVP) have now confirmed they require touch down space within the hub and in the meantime temporary space at Langley Library.


(h)  Subject to the District Valuer valuations, as set out in section 5.7, providing a viable business case for the current proposals to proceed, a final report will be presented to Cabinet in December 2016.


A report was considered that updated the Cabinet on the progress of the plans for a community hub and associated development as part of the Trelawney Avenue Redevelopment Plan since the previous Cabinet report of March 2016.


It had been envisaged that the Cabinet would be in a position to approve the business plan in September 2016, but the project was 3-6 months behind schedule to ensure the best possible scheme could be developed for the site of the former Merrymakers Public House.  Approval was sought to enter into an Option Agreement with Raw Investments Limited (RIL) to develop the proposed community hub and the Council was working with RIL and other partners to develop a scheme that included a GP practice, pharmacy, dental practice, library, police station, council services and new residential units.


Commissioners welcomed the progress that had been made in developing a proposal that met the desire of local residents for health services alongside new community facilities.  Asked about the anticipated timescale if the Option Agreement with RIL was approved, and it was responded that the Cabinet would asked to approve the business plan in December 2016, planning would sought in early 2017 with construction starting later in 2017 and the facility opening in November 2018.


Speaking under Rule 30, Councillors Anderson and Swindlehurst sought clarity on the position regarding the number of housing units as part of the redevelopment and the levels of rent on the new council housing units.  It was noted that RIL would take ownership of the properties above the hub with the others would be Council homes for which the level of rents had not yet being confirmed.


At the conclusion of the discussion, the Cabinet agreed the recommendations to progress the development and consider approval of the business plan at its meeting in December 2016.


Resolved –


(a)  That the Council enter into an Option Agreement with RIL in relation to the land required to introduce the health care element community hub and associated car parking at Trelawney Avenue (as shown in Appendix One to the report) and dispose of this land to RIL for a sum that represents no less than the independent land valuation, if the option granted on the land is exercised.


(b)  That delegated authority be given to the Strategic Director of Housing, Regeneration and Resources,  following consultation with the Commissioner for Housing & Urban Renewal and Commissioner for Environment & Leisure, to agree the terms of the Options Agreement, and


(c)  That delegated authority be given to the Head of Asset Management to agree terms for the early surrender of the Thames Valley Police (“TVP”) lease of Langley Police Station for an amount that is supported by an independent valuation.


(d)  That it be noted that provided the new facilities remained cost neutral, Slough Clinical Commissioning Group (“SCCG”) had secured approval from NHS England to transfer funding into the proposed hub.


(e)  That it be noted that the proposals to introduce affordable housing on the land released by TVP.


(f)  That it be noted that scheme enablement had commenced, with the Merry Makers Public House and community hall vacated and ready for demolition in November 2016.


(g)  That it be noted that Thames Valley Police (TVP) had confirmed they required touch down space within the hub and in the meantime temporary space at Langley Library.


(h)  That it be noted that subject to the District Valuer valuations, as set out in section 5.7 of the report, providing a viable business case for the current proposals to proceed, a final report would be presented to Cabinet in December 2016.

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