Agenda item

Options for the Modernisation of Community Nursing Services


The Panel received a presentation, and were asked to comment on, the options being considered on commissioning the local 0-19 Healthy Child Programme (HCP) services.  The commissioning of such services, not service provision, had transferred to the Council as part of amendments to the Health & Social Care Act 2012 and it had been agreed by the central public health team to create six contracts across Berkshire.  The HCP service model included health visiting and school nursing services, and they interfaced with a wide range of other services.


The options were summarised as follows:


·  Option 1:  Do nothing – current service model for the Healthy Child Programme.

·  Option 2:  Develop an online portal to maximise information and advice for parents on their child development and allow self assessment for relevant sections of each of the five mandated visits.

·  Option 3:  Develop an online moderated SKYPE type and text messaging contact allowing access to specialist professional advice to include other young people’s services.

·  Option 4:  Extend access to wider HCP services working with the Microsoft portal development and Graphnet Connected Care programme (after March 2018).

·  Option 5:  Recommission 0-19/25 child health services following a market testing process.

·  Option 6:  Consider TUPE of health visiting and school nursing services to relevant hosts under an integrated care model.


The Panel was provided with clarification of the financial implications, within the context of significant reductions in the Public Health Grant, and discussed the benefits and risks of each of the options.  A mixture of multiple options could also be taken forward as the potential delivery timescales varied, particularly in relation to Option 4.  Significant consultation was taking place prior to a final decision being made by Cabinet.  Following a request by a Member it was agreed that a summary of the consultation feedback would be provided to the Panel.


Members recognised the benefits of increasing the use of online delivery and it was proposed and agreed that a phased approach be taken that mixed Options 2 and 3 in the short term at the same time as working proactively with the relevant partners towards Option 4 after March 2018.


Resolved –  The Panel agreed to support a phased approach with a mixture of Options 2 and 3 to promote online service delivering in the short term, whilst working with other authorities and partners to deliver Option 4 in in the medium term.

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