Agenda item

2017/18 General Revenue Budget - Tranche 1 Savings Proposals


(a)  The savings previously considered by Cabinet in November 2015, set out in Appendix A, be approved and included in the Revenue Budget 2017/18 to be approved by Council in February.


(b)  The savings listed in Appendix B be approved and included in the Revenue Budget 2017/18 to be approved by Council in February.


The Leader of the Council introduced a report that sought approval for the first tranche of savings proposals to include in the revenue budget that the Cabinet would recommend to full Council on 23rd February 2017.


The continued substantial reductions in the Revenue Support Grant contributed to a budget gap projected to be £12.6m in 2017-18 and the proposals set out in Appendices A and B to the report would, if agreed, reduce this figure to £4.1m.  Commissioners reviewed the savings proposed in the Appendices, which comprised of a number of savings previously identified by the Cabinet at its meeting in November 2015 set out in Appendix A, and additional savings identified by officers set out in Appendix B.  Further savings proposals were currently being developed by officers and would be considered by the Cabinet at future meetings.


The Assistant Director Finance & Audit summarised the key aspects of the Local Government Finance Settlement, which had been announced since publication of the agenda.  There was no significant new funding available to local government, and other measures included a transfer from the New Homes Bonus to adult social care funding and the council tax precept for care had been front-loaded with authorities given the ability to raise it by up to 3% in the next two years.


Speaking under Rule 30, Councillor Plenty queried whether the savings proposed in adult social care detailed in Appendix B would still be required if additional funding could be raised from the precept.  It was responded that the savings were part of a four year transformation plan for the service and that there were significant pressures caused by increasing demand.  The 2% care precept was included as a budget planning assumption and the Council would need to consider the possible further increase of 1%.  Councillor Swindlehurst raised concern about closing the budget gap in 2017-18 from the proposed use of one off profit dividends from Slough Urban Renewal totalling £4m, rather than finding the savings required to balance the budget on an ongoing basis.  These comments were noted.


At the conclusion of the discussion, the Cabinet agreed to include the first tranche of savings included in Appendices A and B to the report in the revenue budget to be recommended to full Council on 23rd February 2017.


Resolved –


(a)  The savings previously considered by Cabinet in November 2015, set out in Appendix A, be approved and included in the Revenue Budget 2017/18 to be approved by Council in February.


(b)  The savings listed in Appendix B be approved and included in the Revenue Budget 2017/18 to be approved by Council in February.

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