Agenda item

Adult Social Care Transformation


Mr Sinclair, Assistant Director Adult Social Care, delivered a comprehensive presentation regarding the Adult Social Care Transformation (ASCT) Programme.


Members were reminded that the ASCT Programme was a four year programme which began in 2015/16. The programme would need to manage an increase in user demand amidst reduced budgets. £7.9m efficiencies would need to be delivered across the four year programme. 


An Adult Social Care Strategy had been developed to deliver new ways of working and deliver savings. The core principles of the strategy were outlined as

·  Prevent and delay the need for social care services by good information and advice, prevention, reablement, asset based approaches and building community capacity

·  Avoid people being in crisis

·  Support to carers to continue caring

·  Support people to live at home and reduce number of people living in care homes

·  Support people to manage their own care and support through direct payments and technology

·  Working in partnership with the NHS to deliver integrated services

·  Improving quality of local services

·  Developing our workforce


Details of the efficiency savings 2014-19 were highlighted. It was noted that all savings were on target to being delivered during the period of the programme. Members queried as to why there was an overspend even though savings were being achieved. It was explained that even though there were less people in long term care there had been an increase in the number of people being supported by one off services. A greater number of people were being supported at home, especially those with a learning disability and/or mental health problem. It was noted that 74% of Councils were predicting an overspend in 2016/17.


A number of issues were raised in the ensuing discussion:


·  What level of engagement had been undertaken with service users regarding the development of the strategy. Members were informed that consultation had taken place with service users and voluntary sector agencies who had contributed to the development of the strategy.

·  Whether individuals were staying in the town for longer or moving away. Mr Sinclair explained that recent population profile statistics had remained static over the past five years, indicating that many people were choosing to remain in the local area.  

·  Challenges in recruiting social workers. The Committee were informed that a consultation on the restructure of the future of the service was due to begin December 2016. Although the service currently relied on a number of agency staff, Mr Sinclair was confident that positions would be appointed to on a permanent basis following the re-structure.     

·  Liaison with colleagues regarding development of the Council’s new Housing Strategy. Input to the development of the Housing Strategy was vital in ensuring individuals were supported in allowing them to remain in their homes for as long as possible. It was noted that improvements would also be made to the current sheltered housing stock and plans were in progress for the development of extra care housing.


The Chair, on behalf of the Committee, thanked Mr Sinclair for his presentation and placed on record their appreciation for the achievements made by the department during a challenging period. 


Resolved – That details of the Adult Social Care Transformation Programme be noted. 

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