Agenda item

Frimley Sustainability and Transformation Plan


The Interim Director of Adult Social Care updated the Panel on the Frimley Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP).  The background was reviewed and it was noted that the latest STP for the Frimley footprint was submitted to NHS England on 21st October 2016.  The five-year plan set out five key priorities and seven initiatives as detailed in the report.


The STP had been under national embargo, however, it would be published on 24th November and be followed by a period of public engagement which Members were encouraged to participate in.  Further information would be circulated to Panel Members upon publication.  It was proposed and agreed that the Panel hold a joint workshop on 21st December with the Slough Wellbeing Board to consider the local implications and delivery of the STP.


Members commented on the geography of the Frimley STP and highlighted that it provided an opportunity to increase joint working with other authorities and scrutiny panels in the footprint.  It was commented that the STP did not cut across local activity, but was instead intended to identify several major, common issues which could be jointly addressed to increase scale and efficiency of service delivery.


Resolved –


(a)  That the update on the Frimley Sustainability & Transformation Plan be noted.


(b)  That the Plan be circulated to Members of Panel following publication on 24th November 2016.


(c)  That a joint workshop be held with the Slough Wellbeing Board to consider the local implications of the STP on 21st December 2016 at 6.30pm.

Supporting documents: