Agenda item

Mapping of services against local population


The Panel received an interactive presentation on the geographic distribution of health and related services mapped against population in Slough.  The Slough Maps software showed facilities such as hospitals, home care agencies, nursing homes and residential homes.  The mapping was still in development with additional data to be added.  It was agreed that Members be given access to Slough Maps to enable them to further study the detailed information available for their ward.


A Member commented that it appeared some wards had more provision than others, however, it was recognised that as Slough was relative small borough most services were accessible and close to where people lived.  The Panel discussed public transport services, particularly the recent changes to bus services to and from Wexham Park Hospital and disability access on public transport.  The Panel agreed to add a short scoping report to its Work Programme for the next meeting on public transport services to the hospital to determine any areas for further scrutiny.  It was also noted that First Buses would be attending the Overview & Scrutiny Committee meeting on 12th January 2017.


Resolved –


(a)  That the presentation be noted.


(b)  That Members of the Panel be provided with access to Slough Maps.


(c)  That a scoping report on public transport access to health facilities be added to the Panel’s Work Programme for 19th January 2017.