Agenda item

Slough Central Update


John Lisle, the Accountable Officer at Slough Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), introduced a report providing an overview of the CCG Estates Strategy and the progress of the Slough Central concept which had previously been considered by the Panel.


The overall strategy linked to the Sustainability & Transformation Plan (STP) and was driven by an approach to provide services closer to people; to promote the integration of health, social care and mental health services; and to deliver resilience and efficiency.  The estates strategy set out the investment proposals to assist practices become ‘health hubs’ to operate at scale and increase integration.  These included the new Chalvey Medical Centre, Britwell Community Centre Health Hub, Trelawney Avenue Health Hub and Farnham Road Practice re-location to the new Health & Wellbeing site on the Farnham Road.  In relation to the Walk-In Centre it was noted that the options for Upton and St Marks Hospitals were under review.  It was expected that an options appraisal would be ready by February 2017 and there would be public consultation.


The Panel discussed a range of issues including the progress being made on linking up the IT systems across primary and acute care.  Mr Lisle updated the Panel on the work being undertaken on the Digital Roadmap which would start with shared care records in emergency situations.  Many GPs currently used the same IT system and an interoperability platform would allow all major systems to be linked together.  However, it was also recognised that there were wider challenges and public confidence issues to address in relation to the sharing of individual’s health records.  Members emphasised the importance of building public confidence by ensuring there was a common digital strategy across relevant health partners.  It was agreed that further information on the Berkshire East Digital Roadmap be circulated to the Panel.  It was also noted that the Panel’s work programme for March 2017 would include items on digital transformation and innovation.


(Councillor Chohan left the meeting at this point)


Members raised other issues including the prevalence of multiple registrations at GP practices and the co-ordination of the flu jab programme.  A Member expressed concern about disabled access in some local health facilities and it was responded that any specific concerns be raised directly through the appropriate channels so that any issues could be addressed.  The progress of the Britwell health hub was queried and it was agreed that further details and the timescale be circulated to the Panel.  At the conclusion of the discussion, the report was noted.


Resolved –  That the update be noted.

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