Agenda item

P/02823/003 - Sports Pavilion, Eton College, Willowbrook, Eton, SL4 6HL

Officer Recommendation:  Delegate to the Planning Manager for Approval





Demolition of existing tennis pavilion. Construction of a detached sports pavilion and 2no floodlight all weather sports pitches. Flood lighting to existing tennis courts. Associated car parking, highway access, and landscaping and a small shed for IT switch gear.


Application delegated to the Planning Manager for approval; subject to any substantive objections from the Contaminated Land Officer, the Crime Prevention Officer, the Environment Agency, the Secretary of State,  the potential completion of a Section 106 Agreement for highways works (if required) and finalising conditions to include wider and affordable community use for Slough residents. No development shall take place until surface drainage works have been implemented (as set out on the amendment sheet).



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