Agenda item

High Needs Block and SEN Update


Robert Hardy introduced a report that provided an update on the financial position affecting the SEND elements of the 2017-18 High Needs Block (HNB).


Work on a recovery plan to address the 2016-17 overspend reported to the Forum in October was progressing.  The underlying reasons for the overspend remained unchanged – the historic carry over of costs from the previous financial year; a rising number of pupils with Statements of SEN or Education Health and Care Plans (EHP); and the high costs of out of borough placements, particularly at fee-paying schools related to the child’s social care needs.  A detailed examination of HNB budgets jointly by the Trust and the Council had made significant progress and the projected overspend had been reduced from £800,000 to £300,000, although it was noted the latter figure could still increase.  The HNB Task Group would meet again January and the work undertaken meant that it had a more solid base of information on which to develop the three year recovery plan.  It was likely to include a proposal to transfer from the Schools Block to HNB for 2017-18.


The Forum welcomed the rigorous and detailed work underway to address the overspend.  Paul McAteer asked why no formal approach had been made to the DfE for additional financial support as stated in paragraph 3.6 of the report.  Jo Moxon reported that the issue had been raised in discussions with the DfE but additional support would not be provided, principally as the reasons for the overspend related to the historic backlog and processing of SEN and EHPs.  Paul McAteer requested details of the appropriate contacts at DfE to raise this matter with them directly.  The Forum discussed the longer term capacity at Special Schools and Resources Bases more generally to ensure there was sufficient capacity locally to meet the educational needs of Slough children.


It was noted that Jo Moxon was challenging Health about contribution to jointly commissioned places.


The Forum agreed to note the projected 2016-17 overspend on the SEND related elements of the High Needs Block and that it was likely there would be a requirement to transfer funding from the Schools Block to the High Needs Block for 2017-18.  Further details would be provided to the Forum in January.


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