Agenda item

2017-18 Growth Fund


Tony Madden, Principal Asset Manager, introduced a report on the Growth Fund 2017-18 that sought approval from the Forum for a topslice of £900,000 from the Schools Block.  This was reduction of £110,000 from the previous year.  A paper summarising the possible scenarios for bulge classes in primary schools was tabled and it was agreed that this would be circulated electronically following the meeting.


Slough continued to have an increasing school population due to inward migration alongside the significant increase in pupil numbers already working their way through the primary sector.  Funding for either bulge classes or increased class sizes would only be provided following written confirmation from Slough Borough Council in advance.  The target was to have 60 surplus places per year group for new arrivals and unexpected growth, however, there were currently less than 60 places available across every primary year group.  Plans were either agreed or well advanced for 2017-18 and discussions were underway with schools about potential expansion in the two following years.  Further expansion was forecast to be required in 2020-21 but the schools had yet to be identified.


There was a discussion about the Growth Fund criteria (applicable to both primary and secondary schools)  which it was noted had been approved by the Forum in March 2016.  It was agreed to review the criteria and that a report should come to the next Forum meeting if required.  A number of specific issues were raised including the process for agreeing class size increases; the list of new classes set out in Appendix A; and the detailed funding profiles relating to academies and non-academies.  It was agreed to pick up these issues with Tony Madden outside of the meeting.


At the conclusion of the discussion, the Forum agreed a topslice of £900k for the Growth Fund for 2017-18.  It was noted that the carry forward from 2016-17 was to be confirmed.



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