Agenda item

Performance and Projects Report: Q3 2016-17


That the Council’s current performance as measured by the indicators within the balanced scorecard and update on Gold projects and performance be noted.


The Assistant Director Finance & Audit introduced a report that provided the Cabinet with the latest performance information, balanced scorecard indicators and project updates for the third quarter of 2016-17.


The balanced scorecard had been refreshed to set out a range of high priority performance indicators under the new Five Year Plan outcomes.  Commissioners discussed the work being undertaken to address the three outcome measures rated ‘red’, which related to childhood obesity and crime rates.  It was noted that whilst overall crime had risen in Slough, the rate of increase was lower than comparative places and violent crime locally had fallen by 10% during the reporting period.  The Council Tax collection rate was slightly below the profiled target and resources had been reallocated to address the issue.


At the conclusion of the discussion, the Cabinet noted the report and welcomed the more streamlined and focused format.


Resolved –  That the Council’s current performance as measured by the indicators within the balanced scorecard and update on Gold projects and performance be noted.

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