Agenda item

Revenue Budget 2017/18 and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2017/21


The Assistant Director Finance & Audit introduced a report seeking the comments of the Committee on the Revenue Budget 2017/18, which included the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) 2017-21.


The budget had been developed in the context of continuing financial challenges for the Council with further steep reductions in Government grants and rising demands on key services.  Total income would reduce by £3.2m from the previous year to £100.48m in 2017-18.  Savings had been identified totalling £12.4m and these were detailed fully in Appendix A to the report.  They included £4.8m profit share from Slough Urban Renewal, £0.6m reduced spend on Agency Staff and £0.9m from bringing some services back in house.  Despite the pressures, it was reported that the revenue budget proposed would put the Council on a sound financial footing whilst protecting front line services wherever possible.  It was proposed that Council Tax would rise by a total of 4.71%, of which 3% was the Government’s Adult Social Care precept and 1.71% for the Council to fund other services.  The budget had £3.2m of growth included £1.050m in adult social care and £1m to provide for actuarial revaluation of the RBWM Pension Fund.


The Committee asked a number of questions and discussed several key aspects of the proposed budget.  Members asked how achievable the adult social care savings were in view of the rising pressures.  The Director of Adult Social Care stated the Council was two years into a four year transformation programme and savings had been successfully delivered through changes to ways of working, improved systems and enhanced support in communities.  However, pressures were increasing from people with more complex needs and the budget growth provided for further investment in this area.  Members raised the costs of agency staffing and the Director and Interim Chief Executive explained the steps being taken to increase permanent social work staff and the development of the Slough Academy was cited which would help the Council develop its workforce.


The Committee discussed the proposed increases in a number of fees and charges as detailed in Appendix F to the report.  Several Members expressed concerns about the proposed increases of up to 20% in some burial and cemetery fees.  It was responded that the proposals followed a benchmarking exercise and Slough’s fees would generally remain below neighbouring areas.  Running costs had also increased and there had been investment to enhance the facilities.  Members felt that the proposed increase in fees was too high, particularly the 20% increase in Public Graves for Adults and the 10% increase for Stillborn to Age 17.  It was agreed that the concerns of the Committee on these specific increases be forwarded to Cabinet at its meeting on 6th February and that details of the comparable fees of neighbouring local authorities be forwarded to the Committee.


Members scrutinised several other increases in fees and charges including the proposed rise in photocopying charges in libraries and the proposed 50% increase in Fees for Land Charges. It was explained that the land charges were increasing as a result of Government legislation and the Committee asked that this be clarified to include details explaining the fee increase in future reports.


At the conclusion of the discussion, the Committee noted the Revenue Budget 2017/18 and MTFS 2017/21 and agreed to advise the Cabinet of its concerns in relation to the significant increase in the fees for Public Graves (Adults).


Resolved –


(a)  That details of the proposed Revenue Budget 2017/18 and Medium Term Financial Strategy 2017/21, as set out in the report, be noted.


(b)  That Cabinet be advised of the Committee’s concerns regarding the 20% proposed increase in fees and charges for Public Graves (Adult Slough resident and non Slough Resident).


(c)  That details of fee charges for Public Graves (Adults) by neighbouring Local Authorities be circulated to the Committee. 


(Councillor Bedi left the meeting)

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