Agenda item

Minutes and Matters Arising from previous meeting


The minutes of the meeting of the Slough Schools Forum held on 6th December 2016 were approved as a correct record.


Matters arising


Item 513 –SBC staffing issues – Neil Wilcox reported that the recently appointed schools’ accountant has resigned. Finance team will be assisting in filling this vacancy.


Item 524 – PFI Update: Neil Wilcox reported the Council’s revenue budget position and the savings options under consideration to close the budget gap.


A wide range of potential savings were under consideration across the Council, including the £500,000 contribution to the affordability gap relating to schools PFI.  Neil Wilcox stated that the Council was seeking to be open and transparent in flagging this matter. He confirmed that the SBC request for DSG to fund the PFI affordability gap has been deferred and SBC will pick up the £500k affordability gap cost in 2017-18 and may present new proposals for 2018-19. He provided assurances that there would be full consultation and clear information provided on the impact on schools and academies before any decisions. He also indicated that the Council would be looking at other options at potential savings.


Item 525 – High Needs Block and SEN Update: Nicky Willis asked for more information on health contribution information; this was clarified by Robert Hardy as related to the Clinical Commissioning Group.


Item 530 - 2017-18 Growth Fund Criteria: it was noted that this will now be on the 9th February 2017 Schools Forum agenda.