Agenda item

S/00736/000- The Westgate School, Cippenham Lane, Slough, SL1 5AH

Delegate to Planning Manager for approval





Construction of a two storey extension to the school and erection of a new 2 storey classroom block to create a 8FE secondary school along with the refurbishment to existing buildings, provision of new car and cycle parking spaces, creation of new pedestrian entrance and associated landscaping.

1.0.  Delegated to the Planning Manager for approval, subject to S106 Agreement, Travel Plan, resolution of outstanding transport/highway and drainage matters, finalising of conditions and final determination.




(Councillor M Holledge left the meeting at 8.15 pm prior to the consideration of Agenda Item 9, Land adj to 7, Moreton Way, Slough, having declared a personal and prejudicial interest).


(Councillor M Holledge re-joined the meeting at 8.37 pm).

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