Agenda item

Procurement of Fleet for Environmental Services Local Authority Controlled Company (LACC)


(a)  That officers be instructed to commence the procurement of vehicles, plant and supporting components for the new LACC.


(b)  That the Council’s approach to the procurement of vehicles, plant and supporting components for the LACC be approved.


(c)  That delegated authority be provided to the Head of Paid Services to enable the award of contracts to be given following due process by Corporate Procurement and contract(s) award in accordance with Framework(s) rules.


The Commissioner for Highways & Transport and the Interim Chief Executive introduced a report that sought approval for the approach to procure the Local Authority Controlled Company (LACC) vehicles, plant and supporting components to enable the organisation to deliver Environmental Services from 1st December 2017.


The procurement of such vehicles, plant and other equipment was an important part of the insourcing of Environmental Services agreed by the Cabinet in September 2016.  An options appraisal had been undertaken and the current Amey fleet was not viable due to the age of the assets.  The procurement of new fleet and equipment would therefore provide opportunities for both service and environmental benefits upon transfer of the services to the new company later this year.


Commissioners asked a number of questions about the fleet, procurement and timetable.  It was agreed that it was important to progress this important part of the insourcing to enable the services to be operated effectively by the LACC on the agreed timescale.  The recommendations were therefore approved.


Resolved –


(a)  That officers be instructed to commence the procurement of vehicles, plant and supporting components for the new LACC.


(b)  That the Council’s approach to the procurement of vehicles, plant and supporting components for the LACC be approved.


(c)  That delegated authority be provided to the Head of Paid Services to enable the award of contracts to be given following due process by Corporate Procurement and contract(s) award in accordance with Framework(s) rules.

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