Agenda item

Health and Adult Social Care Digital Innovations


A report and presentation was received that updated the Panel on the work taking place locally to digitally transform the delivery of health and adult social care as set out in the Local Digital Roadmap for the Frimley Health and Care System 2016-2021.


Digital innovation would enable residents to take greater control of their wellbeing though self-service portals, self-care apps, and real time data could support professionals access the information required to deliver the best possible outcomes for patients.  There were a range of specific initiatives underway and planned as part of the programme involving the Council and NHS partners including a Citizen Portal, smart working, Management Information Systems, Customer Relationship Management and several Connected Care projects to integrate records and improve systems intelligence in the health and social care system.  It was recognised that there were potentially significant benefits in terms of improved health and wellbeing outcomes and more efficient ways of working freeing up resources to support clinicians.


(Councillor Chohan joined the meeting)


The Panel considered some of the risks increased digitisation, particularly information governance and security.  Members sought clarity on how data would be secured and highlighted the importance of clear communication with residents and patients who may be concerned about how their health records may be used.  Officers explained the measures in place to manage and protect patient data and provided assurance that projects involving the transfer and sharing of patient data were subject to rigorous compliance frameworks and information sharing agreements which had been approved by the Slough Wellbeing Board.  Questions were also raised about the robustness of back up systems in the event of system failures to ensure that patient safety and the delivery of services was not affected.  It was responded that each organisations systems operated independently and a series of pilots had taken place which included testing of the resilience of the systems and back ups were in place.


The Panel also discussed the use of smart working practices in GP surgeries; the potential to improve the efficiency of the dispensation of medication; and the performance measures in place to quantify the benefits of digital projects.  The potential involvement of wider partners was raised, including Police, Fire services and others.  It was noted that a staged approach was being taken and the information sharing barriers would need to be carefully considered.


At the conclusion of the discussion the report was noted.


Resolved –  That the report be noted.

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