Agenda item

Local Government Association Communications Peer Challenge


The Assistant Director, Strategy & Engagement, introduced a report that set out the recommendations of a recent Local Government Association (LGA) Peer Challenge of the Council’s communications function and the action plan developed in response to the feedback. 


(Councillor Sadiq joined the meeting)


The process was part of the LGA’s support to authorities and the review had taken place in November 2016 by a team that included experienced communications professionals from the LGA and other local authorities.  A significant amount of good work had been recognised, however, the review highlighted a lack of a strategic approach to communications to explain the Council’s ambition and direction and a number of short, medium and long term actions had been identified to address this issue.


Members discussed the process undertaken, particularly the involvement of non-Executive councillors, and it was responded that the LGA team had identified those they wished to interview as part of the review.  This included the Leader of the Opposition, partners and senior officers from across the Council.  The report to the Committee provided an opportunity for scrutiny to shape the Council’s response to the review.  Clarification was sought on the timeline for implementing the recommendations and it was noted that some had already been actioned, for example, the appointment of an Interim Head of Strategic Communications who would play in a leading role in responding to the LGA’s findings and make the necessary changes to communications activity and operation.  The Assistant Director was confident that the timescales set out in the action plan would be met and much of the work was already underway.  The Committee agreed to receive a progress update on implementation in the Autumn of 2017.


The Committee recognised the importance of the Council’s communications function in terms of how the authority was perceived and how it engaged with residents and partners.  The Assistant Director highlighted that the focus was much wider than the local press and included raising the Council and town’s profile at a national level, for example on economic development, and in the trade press.  Members raised a number of specific issues including communication with residents and the future opportunities to improve engagement.


At the conclusion of the discussion, the Committee noted the LGA Peer Challenge report and the Council’s action plan and agreed to consider a progress update later in the year.


Resolved –


(a)  That details of the report be noted.


(b)  That the LGA’s recommendations contained within the Action Plan, as appended to the report, be endorsed.


(c)  That the Committee be provided with an update on implementation and progress of recommendations, contained within the action plan, in Autumn 2017.

Supporting documents: