Agenda item

P/02465/014 - 228, High Street, Slough, SL1 1JS


An information report from the Planning Manager was received relating to application P/02465/014 for 228 High Street, Slough.  It was an urgent item, added to the agenda with the agreement of the Chair, to ensure the final determination could be made under delegated authority without undue delay.


The application had been determined by the Committee on 7th December 2016 at which Members delegated approval to the Planning Manager subject to improved frontage materials in response to the concerns of Members about the white render finish.  The Planning Manager informed the Committee that the applicant’s agent had submitted a self-cleaning render system to address the issue of future staining.  The finish would be white, however, Officers were satisfied that the system was an ‘improved material’ which was consistent with the decision of the Committee.  A planning condition could be included to ensure the system was maintained in accordance with the manufacturers guidelines.


The Committee noted the report.


Resolved –  That the report be noted.

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