Agenda item

Pan-Berkshire Religious Education Agreed Syllabus Review 2017-18 - Time-frame and Process


Jo Fageant advised that the RE Syllabus was shared by six local authorities and was required to be reviewed every 5 years. The last reviewed took place in 2012. It was noted that the process would need to be undertaken even if it resulted in no changes being made.


The proposed detailed planned was based on the last review and the process would require SACRE to set up an Agreed Syllabus Conference (ASC) to lead the review. SACRE would usually become the ASC and the syllabus review matters would be discussed at separate meetings. The Agreed Syllabus was expected to be completed by May 2018. It was noted that the meetings of the ASC would take place immediately after each SACRE meeting. An additional ASC meeting may however be required in the summer term.



a)  That an Agreed Syllabus Conference be set up with immediate effect to lead on the review of the Pan-Berkshire RE Agreed Syllabus.

b)  That the syllabus be agreed by the Agreed Syllabus Conference and ratified by the Council between May and July 2018.


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