Agenda item

Financial Report - Final Outturn 2016-17


A report was considered that provided the Committee with the final outturn figures for the 2016-17 financial year.  It was reported that there had been a General Fund underspend of £0.026m; a surplus of £0.546m in the Housing Revenue Account (HRA); and that 84% of the £133.8m capital programme had been spent.


The Committee asked a number of questions and made observations about the impact of using one off income from Slough Urban Renewal to support the revenue budget and the value for money provided to housing tenants arising from the HRA surplus.  It was responded that the SUR income had made a significant contribution to the revenue position this year which helped to balance the budget despite some significant pressures in some service areas and a higher savings requirement than for the current year.  In relation to the HRA, the Committee was reminded that the budget was ringfenced and the surplus would remain within the HRA, not transferred to the General Fund.  A question was asked about the capital programme and the Committee was informed that it was normal for there to be delays and year on year variances to some projects, but the slippage of 16% was a significant improvement on historic levels as a result of the management action taken.


The financial implications of the forthcoming proposed Senior Management Restructure was discussed. The Committee requested that details about the potential impacts of the reorganisation be provided including whether it was anticipated to achieve savings or if the exercise was cost neutral.  Other issues raised included the adult social care budget for 2017/18 and the 198% variance in capital spend on the IT Infrastructure Refresh.  It was agreed that further information would be provided to the Committee on the slippage in implementing this project.


At the conclusion of the discussion, the report was noted.


Resolved –  That details of the final outturn for the financial year 2016/17 be noted.

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