Agenda item

SBC Annual Report 2016/17


That the Council’s Annual Report for 2016-17 be agreed.


The Head of Policy, Partnerships & Programmes introduced a report that provided the Cabinet with an Annual Report of the Council’s progress and achievements against the Five Year Plan for 2016-17.


The Annual Report was the first annual progress check since the Five Year Plan had been refreshed and it was an important document in demonstrating whether actions on the agreed priorities were being delivered.  The performance data was more streamlined and focused to more clearly show whether key targets were being met.  A number of case studies had also been included at the request of the Cabinet to bring the document to life.


The Cabinet discussed the overall performance over the past year and agreed the importance of clear strategy which ‘put people first’ to provide strategic direction at a time of rapid change for both the Council and the town more widely.  It was felt the report would be useful in communicating progress to residents and partners, and the document would be prepared for publication on the Council’s website.  A number of specific achievements were highlighted that had contributed to performance including the public health programme, working with partners such as the Children’s Trust and the voluntary and community sector, and the provision of new community based facilities such as green gyms.


Speaking under Rule 30, Councillor Strutton commented that whilst progress overall was positive in a number of areas, more planning and co-ordination of new schemes and developments was required in the future to minimise the impacts of traffic across the town.


At the conclusion of the discussion, the Annual Report was agreed.


Resolved –  That the Council’s Annual Report for 2016-17 be agreed.

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