Agenda item

Accommodation & Hub Strategy 2017-2020


That the Accommodation & Hub Strategy as set out in Appendix A be approved.


The Cabinet Member for Environment & Leisure introduced a report that sought approval of the Council’s proposed Accommodation & Hub Strategy 2017-2020.


The Strategy set out the overall approach to work across the Council, and with partners as part of a ‘One Public Estate’ approach where feasible, to provide ‘fit for purpose’ buildings to enhance services.  It would support Phase 2 of the Council’s Accommodation Strategy which aimed to reduce property costs, increase income generation and promote staff working closer to local people by embracing new technology.  One of the objectives of the plan was to free up space at St Martins Place and vacate Landmark Place. 


The Hub model would bring services together and included accommodation for Housing and Neighbourhood Services staff to enable them to be more accessible to local residents.  There would not be a hub development in all parts of the borough, and locations would be considered on a needs basis.  Each business case requesting capital investment would be considered by the Capital Strategy Board.  Hubs at Chalvey, Britwell, Trelawney Avenue and Farnham Road would be the leading hubs, subject to more detailed analysis, community needs assessment and financial evaluation.


The Cabinet strongly welcomed the cross-Council approach that had been developed to seek to co-locate appropriate services in communities and to make best use of the Council’s assets.  It was emphasised that a clear vision for the integrated hubs was required to maximise their community benefit.  The financial viability of the current hubs was raised and it was confirmed that a significant amount of work was taking place to put the right hub model in place in each locality.


Speaking under Rule 30, Councillor Strutton raised concerns about parking provision at the hubs, particularly where they included GP or other health services, and requested that this be fully considered as each hub was planned.  The Leader confirmed that accessibility for hub users should be considered as each proposal was fully developed.


At the conclusion of the discussion, the Accommodation & Hub Strategy was approved.


Resolved –  That the Accommodation & Hub Strategy as set out in Appendix A to the report be approved.

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