Agenda item

Small Sites Strategy Update - Wexham Phase 3 and Land Adjacent Mercian Way


That delegated authority be given to the Assistant Director, Finance & Audit to effect the disposal to Slough Urban Renewal of the sites detailed in Appendix One and Appendix Two to the Report to Cabinet of 19 June 2017 subject to Cabinet approval for a transfer sum that represents no less than the best value land valuation and subject to there being no objections received by the Council to any such disposal.


The Cabinet Member for Urban Renewal introduced a report that sought approval to give delegated authority to the Assistant Director Finance & Audit to dispose of two sites to Slough Urban Renewal (SUR) for private housing led schemes.


The principle of disposal as part of the small sites programme had been approved by Cabinet on 19th June 2017 and any disposal of the sites at Mercian Way and Norway Drive Recreation Fields would be subject to there being no objections in response to the publication of the statutory notices published in the local press relating to the Public Open Space.  The notice period would expire on 27th July 2017 and an addendum to the report was tabled which confirmed that no objections had been received to date.  If objections were received before the end of the notice period a further report would be brought to Cabinet.


After due consideration, it was agreed to provide delegated authority to dispose of the sites to SUR, on the terms set out in the report, subject to no objections being received to such disposal.


Resolved –  That delegated authority be given to the Assistant Director, Finance & Audit to effect the disposal to Slough Urban Renewal of the sites detailed in Appendix One and Appendix Two to the Report to Cabinet of 19 June 2017 subject to Cabinet approval for a transfer sum that represents no less than the best value land valuation and subject to there being no objections received by the Council to any such disposal.

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