Agenda item

Performance & Projects Report: Q1 2017-18


That the Council’s current performance as measured by the indicators within the balanced scorecard and update on Gold projects and performance be noted.


The Leader of the Council introduced a report that provided the latest performance information for the first quarter of the 2017-18 financial year, summarised performance against the Corporate Balanced Scorecard and updated on key projects.


The majority of performance indicators in the Corporate Balanced Scorecard were on track.  Only two were ‘red’ rated in that they were significantly under the desired performance level, both of which related to childhood obesity.  In addition to the range of actions the Council and its partners were already taking to address this issue, it was noted that it was a matter that the Overview & Scrutiny Committee was currently considering and any recommendations would come back to Cabinet in due course.


There had been significant key activities and milestones on four key projects during the reporting period including the identification of the preferred bidder for the Repairs, Maintenance & Investment contract, start of the new leisure contract with a new operator, launch of the fleet challenge project and official opening of Arbour Park.  The Cabinet noted the current performance information and progress of key projects.


Resolved –  That the Council’s current performance as measured by the indicators within the balanced scorecard and update on Gold projects and performance be noted.

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