Agenda item

Temporary Agency Staff - Progress on Implementation and Baseline Monitoring


The Interim Chief Executive introduced a report that provided Members with an update on the Temporary Agency Staff contract with Matrix.


The Council had spent just over £2.56m on temporary agency staff in the period from April to September 2017, which was a significant reduction from £3.16m spent in the same period last year.  The number of Matrix placements had reduced from the last report to 156 during the period, 56 of which were in the wellbeing directorate and 46 in education services.  In line with the Council’s strategy there had been an increase in the recruitment and retention of social workers and a range of other actions to reduce spend across the Council were proving to be successful.


In noting the report, Members generally welcomed the progress that was being made and the fact that Matrix was delivering against the key performance indicators set out in the contract.  Concern was expressed about the fact that there were six placements in the wellbeing directorate lasting for more than two years.  Further information was requested in the next report on the nature of these placements and the reasons why they had lasted for more than two years.


Resolved – That the report be noted.

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