Agenda item

Review of the Scheme for Financing Schools and Schools Financial Value Standards for Maintained Schools


Consideration was given to a report about a review of the Scheme for Financing Schools which had commenced, in which it was proposed to review the Scheme over the summer and consult with schools in early September with a view to reporting to the Schools Forum in October to seek approval to any amendments proposed.  The review would incorporate a review of the Schools Financial Value Standards for Maintained Schools (SFVS). This requires schools to provide assurance to the Council that they have suitable and effective financial and budgetary control procedures in place to ensure sound financial management.


George Grant indicated that it was important to have a Scheme that was fit for purpose, and was in line with best practice and DfE guidance.  The timescale for completing the review was set out in the report.


It was agreed that the Chair and Vice Chair be consulted on the proposed revised Scheme for Financing Schools over the summer period, in advance of the formal consultation with maintained schools. They would circulate to members of Schools Forum.


It was agreed that the date of the review would be shown on the title page rather than the financial year.


Members raised the issue of ensuring that schools receive timely and adequate information from the Council in order to carry out their responsibilities under the Scheme for Financing Schools and the SFVS.  It was suggested that the Scheme include a commitment from the Council to provide such information. Officers committed to ensuring schools are better supported in delivering the requirements of the Scheme.


Regular meetings between the Council and Headteachers, Bursars / Business Managers were suggested and Neil Wilcox indicated that he was considering holding such a meeting in September and would look into making these a regular feature (say twice a year).  He undertook to consider the detailed arrangements, in consultation with the Chair. Linda Calverley referred to best practice of such meetings with special schools and Helen Huntley welcomed this suggestion.


It was requested that additional audits be included in the review and Carol Pearce asked that details of the scope, content and timing of Pupil Premium audits be clarified. 


There was some discussion about access to documents such as the Scheme for Financing Schools. A number of documents are on the SBC website but are not easy to locate – see link below:


The Forum was reminded that Cate Duffy was involved in work to develop a Schools Portal on the web where a comprehensive range of such useful data could be easily accessed from one point.

Supporting documents: