Agenda item

High Needs Block Centrally Retained Budgets 2017/18


The Forum considered a report setting out the progress made with the High Needs Block centrally retained budget for 2017-18.  This followed the report to the last meeting at which further detailed clarification and information had been requested regarding the centrally retained budget of £2.433m.


George Grant indicated that while some progress had been made, there remained more work to be done, particularly around the savings required to bring the budget into balance.  The revised budget now stood at £2.332m, and Appendix A to the report showed how this was made up (including details of the savings identified to date).


The following points arose from questions and discussion:


  • The High Needs Block Group was continuing to work to achieve clarity for each budget line and a balanced budget.
  • It was noted that the centrally retained PFI clarifications referred to earlier in the meeting are relevant here as well as the item of PFI expenditure also listed within the High Needs Block.
  • Linda Calverley reported that the Children’s Services Trust proposed to redefine the ‘support for children with SEN’ lines within the centrally retained budget, including the SENCO network budget. 
  • Clarification was sought about the proposed estimated cost of £100k for developing the SENCO network and Linda Calverley stated that this was a generous estimate and likely to be less. Jo Rockall suggested that holding meetings and events in schools would minimise costs.
  • It was confirmed that the SENCO network 100k was part of the overall SEN budget line not a separate item.
  • It was suggested that there should be scope for savings in the budget of £235k for support, advice and training for schools through advisory teachers, since the specialist teams that previously provided this no longer existed.
  • Linda Calverley indicated that any changes proposed would be supported by an options paper with a business case and would be subject to formal consultation.
  • Nicky Willis asked what the process would be if any changes were proposed to ‘top ups’. Linda Calverley confirmed that a process of consultation would take place over a full financial year. She added that Slough’s banding appears complex and could be simplified without reduction.
  • Information was requested about the numbers of children for whom out of authority placement was sought compared with those placed in Slough and the respective costs.  The Forum supported the efforts made to continue to place the highest number within the borough.
  • Linda Calverley mentioned that Cate Duffy is planning a conference event with schools for September, looking at wider inclusion.


In conclusion, the Forum noted that the Officers and the High Needs Block Group would carry out further work to review the budget in order that a revised report (with updated Appendices A and B) could be presented to the Forum for consideration at its meeting in October 2017.


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