Agenda item

Business Rates Discretionary Relief Policy - Public Houses


That the policy for Discretionary Rate Relief for Public Houses as set out in Appendix A be approved.


The Assistant Director Finance & Audit introduced a report that sought approval for a policy for Discretionary Rate Relief for public houses.


The scheme had been designed in accordance with government guidelines following the Chancellor’s announcement in the spring budget to provide additional support for certain businesses affected by the revaluation of business rates in April 2017.  The Cabinet had approved a Discretionary Relief Policy on 19th June 2017, however, the guidance relating to the operation of the scheme for public houses had not been published until 20th June 2017, which was why the policy required separate approval.  The scheme would be funded by the Government and was designed to spend up to but not beyond the sum allocated.  It would provide up to £1,000 per public house with a rateable value below £100,000. 


The Cabinet noted that there were 29 public houses in Slough as defined by the guidance.  Nightclubs, cafes and hotels were not eligible for a relief under the government’s definition.  After due consideration, the policy was approved.


Resolved –  That the policy for Discretionary Rate Relief for Public Houses as set out in Appendix A to the report be approved.

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