Agenda item

Five Year Plan: Outcome 2 Update


The Head of Adult Social Care updated the Panel upon the progress of  Outcome 2 from Slough Borough Council’s Five Year Plan. The report outlined the summary of progress under key issues which included, an overview of progress (Q1 2017-2018 performance), smoking cessation, Direct Payments and Health Checks. Links between wellbeing and housing were also discussed, as one of the five main themes with the Council’s updated Housing Strategy 2016 to 2021 included the provision of specialist accommodation for vulnerable people and those with special housing needs.


Members discussed ways to achieve higher uptake of Health Checks,  and how residents could be encouraged to take greater ownership of their own health and wellbeing. Discussions surrounding the known trajectory of uptake of health checks was low, that there was known poor health in certain communities where uptake is slow. The Director of Adult Social Care advised that there had been progress in self management of health which included shorter GP waiting times for the most vulnerable residents which meant that individuals were more likely to have health checks and the launch of a cardio vascular wellness service whereby residents could also have a health check at their appointment. There had been an increase in the number of clients receiving direct payments.  and that Slough as a local authority ranked in the middle of the ranking tables for individuals receiving direct payments. There was some discussion relating to the barriers to health checks for diasporic communities and that this could be partly due to cultural attitudes towards health in general. It was acknowledged that some work around the term ‘regular’ in respect of health checks should be explained and that there was a campaign with the Communications team to encourage engagement with all communities.


The Director of Adult Social Care also advised that as part of the Five Year Plan update that there was a greater focus on the quality of housing for those in the private rented sector; alternative options for housing for the elderly which included a range of housing extending further than sheltered accommodation; housing for young persons with learning difficulties (2018);  and developing options for young people. The sub group priority board were in place to challenge delivery of the intended housing strategy delivery and that there was scrutiny and challenge for the range of housing options suggested.


Resolved-  (a) That the report be noted.


  (b) That a future visit be scheduled in 2018 to a supported    living facility.


  (c) That a report on FGM be scheduled to a future panel     meeting after it has been discussed at the Crime     Disorder Panel.


  (d) That Evidence, impact and outcomes on the uptake of    health checks in Slough to be bought back to the panel     at a later date.

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