Agenda item

Performance & Projects Report: Q2 2017-18


That the Council’s current performance as measured by the indicators within the balanced scorecard and update on Gold projects and performance be noted.


The Director of Finance & Resources introduced a report that updated on the latest performance information for the 2017-18 financial year and summarised the Council’s performance on the Corporate Balanced Scorecard and key projects.


In relation to the Corporate Balanced Scorecard indicators to the end of September 2017, 55.6% were rated as ‘Green’ and 33.3% were ‘Amber’.  There had been an improvement in the indictor on the prevalence of children with ‘excess weight’ at the start of primary school and this had now moved from ‘Red’ to ‘Green’.  Only one indictor was rated as ‘Red’ – children with ‘excess weight’ at the end of primary school.  Members asked about the work the Council was undertaking to address obesity, it was noted that the Wellbeing Board had agreed that there would be a campaign on obesity with partners in the new year; that there would be a new obesity strategy for Slough; and that the Overview & Scrutiny Committee had established a Task & Finish Group looking into how the Council could become an exemplar employer in terms of staff wellbeing.


Progress on key projects was summarised which included the Slough Cemetery & Crematorium now being operational following building work; progress on the implementation of Agresso; and delivery of the new Repairs, Maintenance & Investment project with Osborne Property Services from 1st December 2017.  At the conclusion of the discussion, the report was noted.


Resolved –  That the Council’s current performance as measured by the indicators within the balanced scorecard and update on Gold projects and performance be noted.

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