Agenda item

Housing Strategy - Theme 1: New Housing Supply


The Interim Housing Supply Manager provided the Committee with an update on the progress regarding the implementation of actions relating to Theme 1: New Housing Supply.  It was noted that significant progress was being made to enable the provision of 927 new units of housing per year for Slough in line with the Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA); with the recent purchase of the former Thames Valley University Site, which had the potential of up to1500 new homes.


It was widely recognised that Slough’s growing population meant that 20,000 new homes were required by 2036. A number of options were being explored to address this issue but land supply remained a challenge . Options for development on the borders of the Borough or just outside were dependent upon adjoining local authorities co-operating with the Council to meet some of the need outside of the Borough. Mr Carter, the Assistant Director, Assets, Infrastructure and Regeneration explained that discussions were taking place with neighbouring local authorities through the Council’s Local Plan regarding this matter.


Members asked a number of specific questions about how the these discussions would help to address the land supply issues that were a barrier to achieving the 927 additional homes per year over the next 20 years.  It was responded that this process was being led by the Planning Department as part of the Local Plan Review.  Discussions were ongoing as part of the Duty to Co-operate although it was noted that there had been significant resistance from neighbouring authorities.  There were other major sites and opportunities coming forward in Slough such as the TVU site, however, concerns were raised about the potential over supply of flats and risk that Slough could become a ‘ghetto’ town.  Officers recognised that the right balance needed to be struck in different parts of the town to provide both the sufficient number of new homes and the appropriate mix to build strong communities.


A Member requested further details relating to the provision of new homes for particular groups within the community. It was explained that development at James Elliman Homes would offer a number of creative housing options around cost effective shared housing and bespoke properties to specifically address the needs of care leavers, who were unable to go into an independent tenancy without support.


Responding to the development of Council homes, Mr Thomas, the Interim Head of Housing, explained that the Housing Revenue Account contained plans for 190 homes over a period of five years.  Recent developments at Milestone, Ledgers Road and forthcoming developments at Wexham would ensure that the target would be met. 


The Council was proposing to introduce a wider range of social and affordable rents, termed Slough Affordable Rent and Slough Living Rent, and the definition of an affordable rent was raised.  The Government defined affordable as 80% or less of the market rent although it was recognised that even this level was unaffordable to many working households in Slough and the policy aimed therefore to address this issue.


At the conclusion of the discussion, the Committee agreed to undertake further scrutiny of Themes 3 and 4 in January 2018 and Themes 2 and 5 in July 2018.


Resolved –


(a)  That the Committee note details of the various housing supply delivery targets which had been set to encourage the supply of new homes of all tenure types in the Borough.


(b)  That the Forward Work Programme be updated as follows:


·  Themes 3 (Council Homes) and 4 (Homelessness) on 11th January 2018.

·  Themes 2 (Private Sector) &  5 (Special Needs / Vulnerable) on 12th July 2018.

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