Agenda item

Quarter 1 Performance 2017/18


The Performance Manager introduced a report that provided the Committee with the latest performance information for the 2017-18 financial year; summarised the Council’s performance against the Corporate Balanced Scorecard indicators and updated on the progress of the key projects.


There had been an increase in the proportion of Corporate Balanced Scorecard indicators rated as being on target since the previous quarter, up from 40% to 45%.  This was due to the increase in Council Tax in year collection rate which was 30.88% and was considered on target for the time in the financial year. The RAG status had therefore improved from ‘Amber’ to ‘Green’.


Members discussed a range of issues including the current statistics for the number of people not in education, employment or training (NEETs) in Slough as the figures in the scorecard appeared to be out of date.  It was noted that there was a lag in the nationally provided data and it was anticipated that the next set of data would be available in November 2017 and the scorecard would be updated accordingly.  Concern was expressed about the fall in bus punctuality arising from increased congestion and it was responded that the Council had a significant programme of transport and highway investments to tackle congestion.


In relation to key projects, it was requested and agreed that details of lessons learnt reports compiled by the Programme Management Office for The Curve, transfer of services back in house from Cambridge Education and Subsidiary Housing Companies be circulated to the Committee.


At the conclusion of the discussion, the report was noted.


Resolved –  That the Council’s current performance, as measured by the indicators within the balanced scorecard and update on Gold Projects and performance be noted.

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