Agenda item

Revision of Affordable Housing Section of Developer's Guide



The Committee was presented with a report from the Special Projects Planner on implementation of the affordable housing element of the Slough Core Strategy policy 4 (Type of Housing) which would be applied in respect of contributions sought from housing developers through Section 106 planning obligations.


The report advised that a particular focus should be to revise the affordable housing section of the existing Developers Guide Part 2 (Developer Contributions and Affordable Housing 2008). The report outlined current issues with affordability, viability, and the housing  market. The Officer outlined proposed changes, which included; financial contribution for each house type in developments of 15-24 units, reduced cliff edge at 15 units, to limit the number of  14 unit schemes.  It was stated  that charges for developments with mixed house types would  have a proportion of the published rates per house type.


It was also discussed that there would also be changes to the guidance of new build homes with the main change being three tenure types opposed to the existing two. The changes would consist of (1) Slough Affordable Rent (roughly equivalent to existing social rent) (2) Slough Living Rent set between social and market rent (and related to local incomes) (3) Intermediate- which included shared ownership and other ownership  based affordable housing. Another change included the introduction of 5% discount for brownfield sites where there were modest viability issues. Developers would not need to submit and negotiate a full viability assessment if they were to provide affordable housing at 25% (instead of the required 30%) or 35% (instead of 40%) of total homes.


Members welcomed the pragmatic approach outlined and anticipated that this would encourage development. Some concerns were discussed that this could incentivise developers to undersupply and they also discussed the need for social rent  and affordable starter homes. Another Member raised the need for any northern expansion housing to have  nomination rights  remaining with Slough. As part of the discussion Members stated that this was proposed when South Bucks sought  expansion into Aylesbury Vale. The former  retaining their nomination rights. Members raised concerns over affordability of housing and whether these changes would bridge the affordability gap.


Resolved – That the revised affordable housing section of the Developers Guide at Appendix 2 be approved and adopted as planning   guidance for the consideration of planning applications.

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