Agenda item

Section 11 Audits


The Children Act 2004 stipulates that all organisations that deal with children must promote and safeguard their welfare. This was to be done in a manner which would satisfy the 8 standards outlined in the Act. The audits discussed in the report were to ensure that all services of their safeguarding role (even if they were not dealing directly with children). They also applied to outsourced services.


The audits had been refreshed in February 2017. There had also been the creation of a Corporate ‘Champions’ Group to raise staff awareness at all levels. June 2017 had seen Slough’s progress discussed at the Audit Committee of the Pan-Berkshire Safeguarding Children’s Board; progress was noted, although some challenge was offered regarding the provision of evidence for the quality of work taking place. This matter was now being raised with the Corporate ‘Champions’ Group.


Safeguarding training had been held on 18th October 2017; initial feedback had suggested that this had been well received. In addition, SBC had recently filled posts focusing on safeguarding and the Prevent agenda. SBC had identified areas for action:


·  Robust induction and safeguarding training for volunteers.

·  Robust procurement procedures for suppliers, ensuring that safeguarding issues are covered.

·  Recruitment policies needed to reinforce the culture of safeguarding across SBC.


The Panel raised the following points in discussion:


·  Champions were responsible for ensuring that safeguarding was promoted within their service area. There was confidence that this matter was understood, although the exact language of Section 11 may not be so well publicised.

·  Whilst work was ongoing and it was understood that awareness could be raised. However, the following initiatives had boosted the issue’s profile:

·  Neighbourhood Teams had introduced cue cards to assist them in tenant liaison and making decisions on escalating concerns.

·  Safeguarding training had been given to taxi drivers.

·  Staff of the new Repairs, Maintenance and Investment service provider had received relevant training. Meanwhile, those due to return to SBC when Environmental Services came back in house on 1st December 2017 would also receive training.


Resolved:  That the update be noted.

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