Agenda item

Quality Management of Adult Social Care Services


The Head of Commissioning  and Supplier Relationship Manager introduced the report outlining the progress on the quality of Adult Social Care services within Slough and the arrangements for ensuring the quality of care. The Panel was updated that the registered care providers and homes. The Panel noted that quality assurance was a key priority to ensure the delivery of good adult social care services were inspected by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). The strategic approach was outlined, which was founded on a clear Quality Assurance Framework. Overall progress had been reported as relatively good and that there had been some concerns over managerial staff reported that there had been some concerns over managerial staff reported that there had been a 33% turnover of care, which was comparatively low when comparing national figures.


In response to a question the process for both planned and unannounced visits to providers was outlined. Members were assured that these visits were carried out and that this also helped manage the ongoing performance of the care services. Some of the issues relating to staffing stemmed from other labour markets utilising the labour force from Slough and that salaries were more competitive that what was currently on offer in the borough. Measures were currently in place to recruit and retain staff, working with providers, calibre of staff, internal audits and related monitoring of care providers to address staffing issues. Members asked for the standards expected of good quality staff that were also vital.


Ways in which the Council had established Quality Assurance Framework was discussed along with the responses when made aware of quality concerns. Where some care providers had been subject to embargos or sanctions, regular monitoring meetings and dialogue with management of the service were held. The Panel was informed that a traffic light system was used to advise the Care Governance Board of current quality standards with a score of red meaning that a complete embargo of the provider would be implemented until the concerns had been addressed to the satisfaction of the Board. There were continuing robust service improvements and as a result the amber caution would be set against the provider as a risk placement notification.


Overall, it was considered that the quality of care in Slough was generally good; that there was a strong and rigorous approach to quality assurance; and that there was a proactive response taken to report of concerns about standards. There was now a clear focus on the need for the residents of Slough to effectively manage their own care needs and that this would feed into the governance structures and future Adult Social Care System model. At the conclusion of the discussion the report was noted.


Resolved-   That the report be noted.


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