Agenda item

Slough Safeguarding Adults Board Annual Report 2016/17


The Head of Safeguarding and Learning Disabilities outlined the annual report for Slough Safeguarding Adults Board (SSAB) 2016/17. A summary of the key issues and the five key areas of the annual report were noted; improving identification of risk to the individual and management of that risk; improving safeguarding practice when working with people who self neglect/hoard; mental capacity and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards; making safeguarding personal and outcome focussed and Board effectiveness. The Panel were requested to note that the Independent Chair of the SSAB,  Nick Georgiou, had also been appointed to the role of Independent Chair of the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board. A joint business unit had been established for both Boards to improve the understanding and cohesion between adults and children’s services.


The number of safeguarding concerns received had doubled in the past two years to 989 and the proportion leading to an enquiry had also risen. This was primarily attributed to the threshold for initiating an enquiry in the Care Act. The Officer responses that there was still a high reliance on external Best Interest Assessors (BIA’s)  at present but that the Council was training appropriate staff which would reduce the costs in the future.


Members discussed a range of other issues including performance management and services for the transition between adults and children’s services. It was requested and agreed that the Independent Chair of the SSAB attend the next available meeting. At the conclusion of the discussion the report was noted.


Resolved-   (a)That the report be noted.


  (b) That the Independent Chair of the Local Safeguarding    Children’s Board be invited to attend a future Panel Meeting.


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