Agenda item

Schools DSG Outturn 2016/17


George Grant explained that the supporting report showed an overall surplus of £3.6M, monies which Slough maintained schools had collectively not spent. The budgets were considerably underspent for 2017/18 but the supporting breakdown provided to the LA showed these funds were committed. 


Maintained schools appeared to be going against the trend of diminishing balances but it was confirmed these schools were currently carrying significant amounts for planned capital projects and George Grant confirmed that, of the top five, only one had a variance of more than 5% the previous year.


It was agreed it would be helpful to supply Schools Forum with the background information of these school plans and how the funds were to be spent. 


The report was welcomed and George Grant was thanked for his work.  It was agreed the report would be presented as a regular item at Schools Forum.

Supporting documents: