Agenda item

Five Year Plan 2018/19 - 2022/23


That the refresh of the Five Year Plan be agreed as at Appendix A to the report.


The Service Lead Strategy & Performance summarised the refreshed Five Year Plan 2018/19 to 2022/23 which the Cabinet was being asked to recommend to full Council for approval.


The Plan was originally launched in 2015 as the high level strategic plan for the Council which set out the vision and key priority outcomes.  It was refreshed each year and there was an Annual Report to check progress.  It had been aligned to the Medium Term Financial Strategy to ensure resources were focused on strategic priorities.  Further work would be undertaken to further refine the performance measures for the revised outcomes and there would continue to be regular reporting on these to Cabinet and scrutiny.


Lead Members had worked with Directors and the Service Lead to refresh the sections relevant to their portfolios and it was felt that the Plan provided increased focus which would help provide a clear direction for each of the five outcomes.  It was recognised that a significant amount of excellent work was already taking place across the Council and this activity would continue.  The Leader highlighted that 2018 marked the 80th anniversary of Slough receiving it’s Charter to become a Borough and this was a useful point to reflect on the huge changes that the town had and was undergoing since.


At the conclusion of the discussion, the Cabinet welcomed the work done refresh the Five Year Plan and agreed to recommend it to full Council for approval on 22nd February 2018.


Recommended –  That the refresh of the Five Year Plan be agreed as at Appendix A to the report.

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