Agenda item

Budget timetable for 2018/19 (including draft report)



The report set out the budget timetable in preparation for 2018/19.


The Proposed Formula Changes report and supporting information were tabled and apologies were given for tabling this at the meeting. Members were given time to read the information presented.


Work on the options for the formula changes had been ongoing to ensure there was minimal turbulence for schools in the lead up to the implementation of the National Funding Formula (NFF) from 2020. The 5 - 16 Task Group had met three times since the last meeting of the Schools Forum. George Grant thanked all those who had been involved in the process. 


The Task Group had formed an overview, taking feedback from other networks into consideration. Members acknowledged the need to prepare for the inevitable introduction of the NFF while being aware of the impact on individual schools.


It had been agreed to draw up models for three scenarios and the circulated report and information set out those options: retaining the Status Quo, moving half-way to the NFF or to full implementation of NFF.  It was pointed out that the figures quoted were approximations, based on the October 2016 census numbers and did not include final data from the DfE which was due in early



A formal consultation was to be sent to schools as soon as possible, recommending Option 2, requesting responses by Friday 5 January 2018. After that date, the final census and DfE data would be used with the results of the consultation for presentation at the next Schools Forum meeting, prior to final Council sign-off.


The Task Group acknowledged that schools in Slough were well funded but there were also high levels of deprivation, an area under review by the DfE as part of the NFF.


It was proposed the closing date for consultation should be moved to allow schools additional time following the festive break and it was agreed it should be moved to Tuesday 9 January 2018.


It was queried whether the cap of 3% was temporary and noted that a number of schools had received MFG for a number of years.  George Grant acknowledged that the removal of MFG would create a severe impact across schools nationally.


It was suggested further information should be given in the consultation document regarding Option 2 as it appeared some schools were losing whilst others were gaining large amounts: an explanation would assist those who had not attended Task Group meetings. George Grant would aim to include this background.

The Task Group had considered all types of schools and it was noted that pupils in resource bases were now included in the figures circulated. 

A request was made of the SBC finance team that an indication of when schools would receive their budgets would be useful and that special schools should be included.


Schools Forum supported Option 2, based on the work completed by the Task Group and welcomed the agreement to extend the closing date of the consultation.  Task Group members thanked the SBC finance team for all their hard work.

Supporting documents: