Agenda item

Statutory Equalities Report (including Gender Pay Gap Report)


(a)  That progress against the following agreed equality objectives as detailed in the 2018 Report be noted:


(i)  To have a representative and inclusive workforce

(ii)  To reduce inequalities in service access and outcomes

(iii)  To improve equality of opportunity through fair and evidence-based decision-making

(iv)  To help foster good community relations and community cohesion


(b)  That the independently audited results of the gender pay gap for Slough Borough Council employees be noted in full compliance with the statutory duty for public authorities employing more than 250 staff to publish this by 30 March 2018.


(c)  That the Cabinet receive a further report on the action plan at the meeting in June or July 2018.


The Director of Finance & Resources introduced the 2018 Equality and Diversity Report, which set out the progress the Council was making towards its agreed equalities objectives, and the Gender Pay Gap for 2017/18.


It was a statutory requirement for the Council to publish a report annually on its compliance with the Public Sector Equality Duty.  The Council remained committed to equality and diversity both in terms of employment and services and the report generally showed that the Council’s workforce was broadly representative of the local population.  More work was needed, for example, to improve ethnic minority and female representation at the most senior salary levels.


The Council had a median and mean gender pay gap of 12.5% which was consistent with many public sector organisations and below the national average gender pay gap of 18.4%.  There were underlying reasons for the pay gap and a robust and transparent pay policy was in place.  A range of initiatives which support equalities, such as flexible working, were also available and an action plan would be developed to tackle the remaining barriers that existed.  Members commended the progress being made to promote an open and diverse recruitment process and suggested some further areas to be considered in the action plan such as the relatively low proportion of male applicants to vacancies.


The Cabinet noted the report and agreed to consider the Action Plan in the summer.


Resolved –


(a)  That progress against the following agreed equality objectives as detailed in the 2018 Report be noted:


(i)  To have a representative and inclusive workforce

(ii)  To reduce inequalities in service access and outcomes

(iii)  To improve equality of opportunity through fair and evidence-based decision-making

(iv)  To help foster good community relations and community cohesion


(b)  That the independently audited results of the gender pay gap for Slough Borough Council employees be noted in full compliance with the statutory duty for public authorities employing more than 250 staff to publish this by 30 March 2018.


(c)  That the Cabinet receive a further report on the action plan at the meeting in June or July 2018.

Supporting documents: