Agenda item

Update on 50 and 52 Stoke Road - Conservative Group Motion on 30th January 2018


(a)  That London & Quadrant’s response to the points raised in the Motion be noted.


(b)  That delegated authority be given to the Director of Place & Development, following consultation with the Lead Member for Corporate Finance & Housing, to lift or amend the Covenant, which governs the site, if a policy compliant scheme was proposed that contributed to the delivery of the Council’s Housing Strategy.


The Service Lead, Strategic Housing Services introduced a report that updated the Cabinet on progress in relation to the Motion agreed by Council on 30th January 2018 that requested that:


·  The Council enter into negotiations with London & Quadrant Housing Association (L&Q) to explore the opportunity of L&Q redeveloping part of the site at 50 and 52 Stoke Road to provide some additional specialist supported, half way house type accommodation for vulnerable people in Slough; and

·  To rename the resultant complex of buildings and facilities the Darren Morris Centre, in memory of the late Councillor Morris.


Officers had met L&Q to discuss the actions agreed in the Council Motion and they had indicated they intended to move to a pre-application stage for planning permission for a 102 unit scheme which would include affordable housing provision likely to assist vulnerable households.  L&Q was working towards a planning compliant scheme, however, there was an existing covenant which required the land to be used “…as a residential foyer comprising of 64 bedsits.”  L&Q had therefore requested that the Council lift the covenant in order to progress the redevelopment.  They had also indicated that they were amenable to naming the redevelopment, or part of it, after the late Councillor Morris.


The Cabinet welcome the possibility of recognising Councillor Morris in the name of the future development.  In relation to the covenant, Members were willing in principle to remove it but decided that it would be premature to formally agree to lift the restriction until more detail on the redevelopment was known.  It was agreed that it would be more appropriate to give delegated authority to do so if a planning compliant scheme came forward that would make a positive contribution to the Council’s housing strategy, including satisfactory provision of affordable housing.


Speaking under Rule 30, Councillors Smith and Strutton also welcomed the indication that the naming of the building may recognise the late Councillor Morris’ significant contribution to housing issues in Slough and requested that this matter be pursued as the proposed development progressed.  They also commented on the importance of ensuring the development helped achieve the objectives set out in the Motion to support vulnerable households in Slough.


At the conclusion of the discussion, the Cabinet noted the update on discussions with L&Q and agreed to give delegated authority to lift or amend the covenant if a scheme came forward that met the Council’s housing policy objectives.  It was further requested that Members be updated of progress on a cross-party basis.


Resolved –


(a)  That London & Quadrant’s response to the points raised in the Motion be noted.


(b)  That delegated authority be given to the Director of Place & Development (or successor), following consultation with the Lead Member for Corporate Finance & Housing, to lift or amend the covenant, which governed the site, if a policy compliant scheme was proposed that contributed to the delivery of the Council’s Housing Strategy.

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