Agenda item

Schools Funding Formula Update


That the decision of 8th February 2018 on the schools funding formula taken by the Director of Children, Learning & Skills under delegated authority granted by the Cabinet on 20th November 2017 be noted.


The Lead Member for Children & Education introduced a report that notified the Cabinet of the decision taken by the Director of Children, Learning & Skills under delegated authority in relation to changes to the schools funding formula.


There was a two year transition process leading towards the implementation of the ‘hard’ National Funding Formula (NFF) in April 2020.  The Cabinet had considered a report on the matter on 20th November 2017 and had given delegated authority to the Director due to tight timescales involved.  Further consultation with schools had taken place and the Schools’ Forum had considered a report at its meeting on 17th January 2018 with three options:


1.  Retain the status quo.

2.  Move half-way towards the NFF.

3.  Implement the NFF in full from 2018-19.


Responses from schools indicated that 78% favoured Option 2 which would provide a more gradual introduction in any significant changes to the budgets for individual schools.  This recommendation was put to and agreed by the Forum on 17th January and the Director had then made the decision under delegated authority.  It had been a requirement that Cabinet be informed of any decision taken under delegated authority and the report was therefore noted.


Resolved –  That the decision of 8th February 2018 on the schools funding formula taken by the Director of Children, Learning & Skills under delegated authority granted by the Cabinet on 20th November 2017 be noted.

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