Agenda item

Contract in Excess of £250,000 - School Transport


That the commencement of tendering for the home to school transport contracts be approved, subject to the tender specification including a requirement for providers to meet the Council’s standards for cleaner air including Euro 6 emissions standards compliance and 10% electric fleet.


The Lead Member for Children & Education introduced a report that sought Cabinet approval to commence tendering for new home to school transport contracts.


The school transport budget was £1,872,000 and the contracts provided transport for children with Special Education Needs.  Existing contracts would end in July 2018 and no further extensions were permitted.  It was proposed that retendering begin in April 2018 and be three year contracts with a possibility for a two year extension.


The Cabinet discussed the importance of ensuring that the contracts contributed to the Council’s commitment and policies to improve air quality.  It was therefore proposed and agreed to request that the tender specification include a requirement that providers comply with the Euro 6 emissions standards and had a 10% electric fleet.  Members were advised that whilst there was a strong commitment in the tender specification to promote clean air, the inclusion of these provisions could be more expensive and rule out some existing providers.  The Cabinet agreed that tendering could commence, with the inclusion of the air quality standards requested, and that a further report would need to be considered if required.


Resolved –  That the commencement of tendering for the home to school transport contracts be approved, subject to the tender specification including a requirement for providers to meet the Council’s standards for cleaner air including Euro 6 emissions standards compliance and 10% electric fleet.

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